Community care through crisis
Crisis also offers opportunity, and we have the option to respond to this time through community care and relationships.
Last month, I had the pleasure of hearing Norma Wong speak about her recently published book, When No Thing Works: A Zen and Indigenous Perspective on Resilience, Shared Purpose, and Leadership in the Timeplace of Collapse. I’d been introduced to Norma’s work only recently when I listened to this interview with her on the podcast, How to Survive the End of the World.
As the subtitle suggests, Norma’s book is about this unique moment in time, when we’re witnessing so many people, places, and things suffer, fail, and fall apart. While this is overwhelming, she reminds us that crisis also offers opportunity, and we have the option to respond to this time through community care and relationships. Being intentional about focusing on what we can truly influence, while also taking care of the folks around us, we can imagine the world we want to live in. Through our vision, we can work together to co-create that world with creativity, compassion, and open hearts.